March Newsletter from our President

Dear Fellow Skalleagues.
It is a pleasure to be the 2020 Boston Skål Club President this year, and an honor and a privilege to lead one of the largest clubs in North America.
It is my goal to keep you keep you informed of initiatives within Skål International, grow our club’s membership and continue with our philanthropic efforts.
2020 Skål Boston Board
Listed below is the 2020 Skål Boston Board and their email addresses. Please contact any of us should you have any questions:

New Skål International Website
Skål International launched a new website in late January. As with any new websites, there are some areas where the information didn’t “roll” over.
They have asked all Club Presidents to ask their members to log into the site and make sure your passwords and individual profiles are correct. If you have been a member of Skål prior to 2000, your profile needs updated. This can be accomplished by going to:
Reset the Password:
- Prior to entering the site, and from the web login page, click “Reset Password:
- Enter your email and click the “confirm button. You will receive next steps in your mailbox.
- Check your mailbox. You will receive an email from Skål International with a link to change the password.
- Follow the link and you be asked to entry your email and a new password. Click “Confirm” and you should be set.
Update your Profile
- Access the web login page and your username and password.
- Access the website and click on the top right “My Account”
- In your account you can find your documents, your contact information and other details. Click “Edit” to update your profile.
- You can change your image or modify any field of your profile except “Member Code” or “Category”.
- After making your edits, at the end of the page, click “Confirm details”. Your profile has been updated.
Having an updated profile will be very useful for you as well as for other members to get in touch with you and establish both personal and business connections.
Social Media
We have several social media accounts and I encourage you to follow us:
Instagram: bostonskal
Twitter: @skalboston
Facebook: SkalBoston
Skål member Alyssa Dion Rodning oversees social media. Please share any pictures or newsworthy articles with her at
Boston Skål Club 2020 2021 Meeting Locations
I am pleased to announce the locations for our monthly meetings which are third Thursday of each month. Please click here to go to the schedule. September is still open should any of you wish to host us.
The Past President’s luncheon will be held on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at the Hampshire House. This is a very special luncheon where we celebrate all those individuals who have served as our Club President. Past President’s remember to wear your special chain!
Philanthropic Efforts/Raffles
Skål Boston has been working hard the past few years to raise funds through auctions and raffles for the Skål Philanthropic Fund and to support the Boston Skål Clubs efforts to remain active and vibrant within the Skål community. A huge thank you to all of you have contributed. Once again, on behalf of the Club, I am asking for your assistance.
The Skål Philanthropic Fund supports two club scholarships as well as other philanthropic efforts (The Florimond Vlockart Fund, support other clubs and cities when natural disasters strike, etc.)
The two Scholarship Initiatives include:
- The Bruce Leaver Hospitality Industry Scholarship: The Bruce Leaver Hospitality Industry Scholarship benefits winning applicants that are enrolled in the Hospitality Travel Management Program within the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Applications are submitted directly to the school and they make the selection of the most deserving candidate.
- The Boston Skål Club/Keith Staples Scholarship: The Boston Skål Club/Keith Staples Scholarship encourages professional development within the travel and tourism industry by awarding academic scholarships to college students who are permanent residents of Massachusetts and are enrolled in the travel and tour industry majors at a two or four-year higher education accredited institution. Annually, one scholarship of $1500 is available through the Boston Skål Club/Keith Staples Scholarship Fund.
Some ideas of Donations/Raffles:
- Gift showcasing your product or establishment
- A gift certificate to your establishment
- An overnight/weekend stay at your hotel.
Please send any donations to:
Efren Aponte, Director of Sales and Marketing Moxy Hotel 240 Tremont Avenue Boston, MA 02116
Beth Stehley, Sales Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau 2 Copley Place, Suite 105 Boston, MA 02116
In closing, I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year. Should you need to reach me, please contact me at the above email or on my cell phone at 617-680-5461.
Yours sincerely in Skål,
Beth Stehley
2020 Boston Skål Club President