• General,  Monthly Meeting,  President's Messages

    January Monthly Meeting Postponed

    Fellow Skalleagues, It is with sadness that I write once again.   Our January monthly meeting, which is the installation of your new officers and board is postponed. After members reached out to me due to the rising COVID numbers, the board decided to postpone the January meeting to February.  Mary Chin, incoming President,  generously offered the February meeting as the location of the installation of the 2022 officers and board.  I want you to know this was a difficult decision to make and one that was made with the safety and well-being of each and every member as well as the team members of The Lenox Hotel where the meeting was scheduled…

  • President's Messages


    Greetings all and Happy New Year!  We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy and know that you join us in hopes for an amazing year ahead! It’s that time of year to put out the annual communication about renewing your membership.  I am following up on a communication sent to you in early December by our Treasurer, Efren Aponte. Thank you to those of you who have renewed.    If you have not done so already, please process your renewal payment.  We have to submit payment to SKAL International in Spain very soon, so your attention to this matter is much appreciated! There are two ways to pay…