Skål Boston 2022 Silent Auction LIVE March 22 – April 11
Auction benefiting the New England Center and Home for Veterans
The International Skal Club of Boston will hold a silent auction beginning March 22nd through April 11, 2022. These auction items will raise money and support the New England Center & Home for Veterans (NECHV). www.nechv.org
NECHV is located in Downtown Boston. Its mission is to equip Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness with the tools for economic self-sufficiency and to provide them a path to achieve successful and dignified independent living. A service and care provider for former military service men and women, NECHV offers a broad array of programs and services that enable success, reintegration, meaningful employment and independent living.
Must be an approved member of Skal Boston, Skal USA, Massachusetts Lodging Association, Massachusetts Restaurant Association or The Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau to participate. https://SkalBoston.givesmart.com