President’s October Newsletter
October 2020
Dear Fellow Skalleagues,

I hope this finds each of you in good health. It has been a difficult year for many, and I sincerely feel for you; especially those who have experienced a job loss or a reduction in your work schedule due to Covid-19.
I have some good news to share with you. The Boston Skål Club is now the SECOND largest club in the WORLD. I cannot tell you the pride this gives me when I sit on national calls with my peers across the United States. Dave Ryan, President of Skål USA (who attends many of our monthly Zoom events) along with fellow Skalleague Holly Powers are always the first to recognize all of you and our Club. So, from me to YOU, and to all the former Presidents, Boards, and Members THANK YOU for YOUR work in providing us a ray of sunshine during these difficult times.
To that end, both Terrilynn Haak and I have participated on National and International Skål Zoom calls. I am pleased to let you know that both Skål USA and your Boston Club have approved steps to help us maintain our membership and the ranking of the second largest club in the world in 2021.
Skål USA
Skål USA has approved and allocated $25,000 for Skål members across the United States in need of assistance to renew their membership in 2021. Details will be announced soon, but what I have been told is there will be a short application a member in need will be asked to complete. I have been assured the process will be kept as confidential as possible and really only one person in each club would know who has applied.
Stay tuned for more details!
Skål Boston
The Boston Skål Board approved membership dues for 2021 to remain flat at $250.00 per member.
If a member of our Club has experienced a financial hardship due to Covid-19, such as being furloughed or laid off, the Board approved a special discounted rate of $190 for 2021. The individual needs to send me ( a confidential email explaining their situation. The email must be received by December 30, 2020. It is the Board’s goal to maintain our membership base in 2021 and help those members in need financially.
Membership dues need to be paid in full and received in Spain by January 25, 2021. Please expect to see emails regarding payment in December.
Dues Structure:
- Member: $250.00
- Retired Member: $150.00
- Hardship Rate: $190.00 – must be approved by the Club President in advance.
Social Media
Alyssa Rodning has been working her magic on our Club’s social media platforms. If you are not following Skål Boston on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now YouTube, please do so. You will enjoy her posts about our members. And if you have some news you want to share, please email us at – we would be glad to spread the news!
Skål International – New Officers
Past President Terrilynn Haak and I participated in the virtual Annual General Assembly held on Saturday October 17, 2020.
Skål International delegates from around the world voted our new Executive Board for 2021:
- President Elect President: Bill Rheaume – Canadian Rockies, Canada
- Senior Vice President: Burcin Turkkan – Atlanta, US
- Junior Vice President: Fiona Nichol – Cairns, Australia
- Directors:
- Juan Ignacio Steta – Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
- Maria Eela-Kaskinen – Turku, Finland
- Auditor: Rafael Millan Perez – Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Several President’s Awards were given to well-deserved individuals. You can see the entire list at But one individual from the USA, received the Skål Ambassador of the Year – Roger Dow, Skål International Washington DC, USA. I know many of our members know Roger personally. It is quite the honor.
Skål Club of the Year 2020: Skål International Goa, India
Survey Results
Thank you to all of you were filled out the survey I sent in early October. I was very pleased that 37% of the Club answered and returned the survey.
I am happy to share the results with any of you, but I wanted to keep this newsletter short so here are the highlights:
Renew your 2021 Skål Membership:
72.3% stated you would renew
21.54% were unsure – PLEASE reach out to Beth or any member of the Board to discuss.
Would you feel comfortable meeting in person providing all Covid-19 safety policies were followed:
Yes – 65.63%
No – 12.50%
Unsure – 21.88%
Regarding 2021 monthly meeting prices, what price point is acceptable to you?
Leave the same at $65.00 (plus applicable Eventbrite prices) – 60.32%
Increase – 0.00
Decrease – 39.68%
The most common suggestion for the luncheon price was $50.00 inclusive per person plus applicable Eventbrite fees.
The Board discussed this in detail. We all agreed that in 2021, when we are once again allowed to meet in person, we will deliver an environment that is safe and in compliant with all CDC policies and at a price that will deliver a Skål Boston Club experience.
Future Meetings
Due to the rise in Covid cases in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in Boston and that the gather numbers are still at 25 people, the remainder of our meetings this year will be Zoom events.
Thursday, November 19th 12noon
Cooking Demonstration and American Airlines Presentation
December 17th 4pm – Cocktails
Details to follow / NOTE TIME CHANGE
Thursday, January 21st , 2021 – TBD
Installation of Officers and Board
Final Thoughts
In closing, it has been a joy to see so many of you each month during our Zoom meetings. I thank all of you for your participation. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to all the members that have supported our Zoom calls and to those that have helped me execute them. It has taken a village! We have a few meetings left. Let’s make them the BEST YET!
See you at noon on November 19th!
Yours in Skål,
Beth Stehley, 2020 Boston Skål President