April’s Meeting set for the Wequassett Resort & Golf Club
About the Location:
One of the most anticipated event of the year will be held at Cape Cod’s only five star luxury resort, the Wequassett Resort & Golf Club in Harwich, MA. The property officially opened its doors to guests in 1925 and continued taking “summer boarders” over the years. The property owners retained control of the resort in 1977 and gradually expanded and upgraded the Inn to a Five Star luxury resort status.
Today, Wequassett hosts visitors from the world over, offering world-class accommodations, dining, and recreational facilities in a relaxed atmosphere with warm personal service.
Event Details:
Thursday, April 21st, 12pm-2pm
Wequassett Resort and Golf Club
2173 MA-28
Harwich, MA 02645
Click Here to Register
To register by check please forward to:
Attn: Trish Berry
Assistant Treasurer
To confirm your payment by check please click “Pay by Check” located in the payment section. Member & Check payable in the amount $67.62.
If you are unable to attend the event once registered please notify us a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event. We look forward to seeing you!
Beginning at 5:00 PM on the Monday prior to the event, ticket prices will go up to $85. Please register as early as you can so that we will be be able to plan accordingly for the correct number of guests. Thank you.
Special Lodging Rate:
Wequassett Resort has provided a special discounted rate of $195 plus tax for any overnight rooms. To make your reservation please call the hotel’s reservations at 1-508-432-5400.