• President's Messages


    Greetings all and Happy New Year!  We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy and know that you join us in hopes for an amazing year ahead! It’s that time of year to put out the annual communication about renewing your membership.  I am following up on a communication sent to you in early December by our Treasurer, Efren Aponte. Thank you to those of you who have renewed.    If you have not done so already, please process your renewal payment.  We have to submit payment to SKAL International in Spain very soon, so your attention to this matter is much appreciated! There are two ways to pay…

  • Monthly Meeting,  President's Messages


    IMPORTANT MESSAGE Good afternoon fellow Skalleagues, In the last 24 hours, we have received several inquiries from many of you about the safety protocols at our annual holiday luncheon tomorrow. After several conversations and the continued news of an increase in positive COVID-19 cases, we decided it would be in the best interest of safety and well-being of our members and the staff of the Colonnade Hotel to reschedule our event. Our holiday luncheon will NOT take place on Friday, December 17th. We regret the short notice but hope that you understand that your safety and well-being are our priority. A refund will be applied to your credit card, and we will…

  • General,  Monthly Meeting,  President's Messages

    International Skål Club of Boston’s Annual Holiday Luncheon and Fundraiser Friday December 17, 2021

    CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Dear Fellow Skalleagues: It’s time for Boston Skalleagues to come together as we have in December for so many years to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season enjoying friendship, food, drink and some laughter, while making a positive impact on the lives of others. The International Skal Club of Boston will hold its Holiday Luncheon live at The Colonnade Boston on Friday, December 17, 2021. As in the past, we will conduct a raffle along with silent and live auctions to raise money for this year’s worthy recipient, the New England Center & Home for Veterans (NECHV). www.nechv.org NECHV is located in Downtown Boston. Its mission is…

  • Monthly Meeting

    November meeting: Skål Boston Gives Thanks and Gives Back

    A great time was had by all on Thursday November 18 at the iconic Boston Park Plaza as a group of nearly 90 Skålleagues gathered together to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season and to give back. Upon arrival guests tucked into delightful bites and enjoyed networking. The Skål toast was led by host Jon Crellin, Vice President of Operations/Managing Director of Highgate and the Boston Park Plaza.  After confirming the 2022 slate of officers, Beth Stehley, 2021 Club President and Senior Vice President of Sales for the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau commenced the November activity, a first of its kind event for the club supporting the…

  • Monthly Meeting

    November’s Event Registration is Open: Special Service Project

    SKAL International Boston is excited to host our November program at the landmark Boston Park Plaza Hotel! Click here to register About this event Join us for the monthly Skal International Boston meeting and luncheon that will include a special service project to support the local non-profit, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. Please join your fellow skaleagues as we fill 500 bags with necessities like socks, toiletries and other crucial items that will be distributed to homeless Bostonians: Thursday, November 18, 2021, 12pm-2pm 50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston MA 02116 Details: Noon – 2:00pm Event held in conjunction with a service project to support Boston Health Care…

  • Monthly Meeting

    October: an Elevated Evening on the Moxy Boston Downtown’s Rooftop

    Hosted by the outstanding team at the Moxy Boston Downtown, October’s meeting was truly elevated on the 24th story of the hotel with sweeping views of the city at the top of the hotel. Many thanks to our Skålleagues for attending this terrific evening event. Guests enjoyed a stunning sunset over the city, great company, live music and outstanding hospitality from Efren and Dustin’s team.

  • Monthly Meeting

    Skal International Boston Club October Meeting – An Evening Event!

    Skal International Boston is excited to host our October evening program at the hotel that gets the party started, Moxy Boston Downtown! Register for this Event About this event Join us for the monthly Skal International Boston meeting and reception: Thursday, October 21, 2021, 5:30pm – 7:00pm PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN EVENING EVENT Moxy Boston Downtown, 240 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02216 Details: 5:30pm – 7:00pm Business casual attire Cocktails and Heavy Hors D’oeuvres will be served Parking is extremely limited around Moxy Boston Downtown. Several lots are available in the area but public transportation, taxi, Uber and Lyft are encouraged. Don’t forget to bring your check books and credit cards.…

  • Monthly Meeting

    Skal International Boston September Past Presidents’ Meeting and Luncheon

    Come join us Tuesday, September 14th, as we honor our Clubs’ past leaders for the annual Past Presidents’ Luncheon at the vibrant Studio Allston Hotel Register HERE Details  Join us for the monthly Skal International Boston meeting and luncheon as we celebrate our Past Presidents:  ****Please note the change in the day of the week and register soon as the event will be here before you know it!**** Tuesday, September 14th, 12pm-2pm Studio Allston Hotel/Casa Cana1234 Soldier Field RoadBoston, MA 02135  **Weather permitting, this event will be an outside reception with seating options for lunch both indoors and outside** Details: Noon – 2:00pm Free Parking! We will recognize and celebrate all Past…

  • Monthly Meeting

    Fenway is a blast rain or shine!

    Over 75 members and guests attended our August monthly Skål Boston club meeting at Fenway Park yesterday. The team at Aramark & Fenway put together a fantastic event despite the rainy start.( We were lucky to enjoy sunshine as we ended the event.) We enjoyed a champagne toast, great food and signature Fenway favorites like popcorn and Fenway Franks! The Georgetown cupcakes were a huge hit as well! Raffle tickets sold quickly yesterday with prizes ranging from RT tickets to Provincetown with Bay State Cruises, an overnight at the Whitney Hotel, tickets to a Sox game & a stay at the Hotel Commonwealth, an AMC Movie package, a Charles Riverboat…

  • Monthly Meeting

    August Meeting at America’s Most Beloved Ballpark!

    Come and join us on Thursday August 19th for our meeting graciously being hosted by Past President and Board Membership Chair Carrie Campbell at Fenway Park! Register: Please click here to register Fenway Park, 4 Jersey Street, Boston, MA 02215 Details: Noon – 2:00pm Please enter through Gate B at the corner of VanNess and Ipswich Streets Event held on the Samuel Adams Deck. Covered space available for a rain option Business casual attire Catering provided by Aramark Parking is extremely limited around Fenway Park. Several lots are available in the area but public transportation, taxi, Uber and Lyft are encouraged. *We are also pleased to welcome back GUESTS!! Please feel free…